Friday, December 12, 2008

And the Oscar goes to.....

Considering the uneventful timeline that my life is, I don’t think the traditional blog as a diary will work in my case, there simply wouldn’t be much to narrate. And that’s why today I am not going to write any of my views or comments rather I am going to pen a story for your leisure reading.

Oscar Reyes, born 1970, was a successful advertising consultant attached to a large New York firm. Having been born into a middle class family in Long Island, Oscar had grown up the hard way. He had seen his fair share of fights and murders in his lifetime and even been involved in a few of them. But when he got accepted in Princeton, much to his surprise, he got his act together and passed with flying colors. He started out as a small time sales manager of a mid-size firm, and within the first two years of his service became the highest earning sales manager on the west coast.
Of course such talent rarely goes unnoticed. And well noticed he was. In his third year of service, Oscar got a call from AdMedia Ltd., the largest advertising agency in New York. He had been associated with them for 15 years now, having seen the company through its tough times and good times. He had risen through the ranks and was slated to take the top job come December.
It was the same Oscar Reyes, that November morning, who found himself inside a cheap motel room with an even cheaper bottle of vodka, broken next to him. His head bursting from the hangover, he got up and headed to the toilet. A glimpse of his face in the mirror convinced him that last night did not go well. It was swollen and his gums showed a few sockets. He was not new to bar fights and had picked up the skills to emerge champion in them early in his days. He decided to spend the day resting, so he called up his secretary. No one answered the phone. Assuming this was one of those rare days when Lucy got lucky, he let it be. He slouched into bed again, waking up a solid two hours later feeling a little better. He freshened up, put on a new pair of clothes that he found in the closet and headed out for lunch. There was no one at the counter, so taking his car he headed out searching for a place to eat. It was just one of those days when nothing goes right he thought. At last he found a small place a couple miles down the road. He went in and took the seat by the window so that he could keep an eye on the car. Waiting for the waitress to arrive, Oscar tried to recollect the previous night’s events.
He had gone to the bar for a couple of drinks after work. He had not intended to get drunk as he had to prepare a sales report over the weekend and he planned on completing it that night. He had had a couple of beers when he had heard of someone comment about the people from the Bronx, blaming them for all the problems in New York. So he had gotten into a minor argument with the fellow and then things had gotten ugly. He couldn’t recall much after. There was some talk about the police and then the other guy had fled saying this wasn’t over and that he would finish his argument later. He had not given much a thought to that and had carried on. But since he was getting a little high, Oscar decided not to drive and checked into a motel. That is all he could remember. Well, it was over now and he had to think about the big sales report that was due. So he took out his diary, jotting down some points to do later. The waitress still had not come. Not a very patient man, Oscar decided to get some Chinese takeaway and left the place. It was a Saturday, and every Saturday he laid flowers on the grave of his mother.
He picked up some flowers on the way and drove to the graveyard. Saturdays the place was usually not very crowded, but today there was a congregation. A funeral was in progress, so he decided to attend the mass. Laying flowers on his mother’s grave, he walked up to where the proceedings were going on. Looking down at the corpse he realized that he knew the guy. Bending a little closer not to draw too much attention to himself, he tried to get a better look at the person in the coffin.
Oscar Reyes, 1970-2004, ad guru and soon to be CEO of AdMedia was found dead in his motel room last night, been killed by a blow to the head. Police have arrested a suspect, who was involved in a bar fight with him last night and are interrogating him.

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