Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How many terrorists does it take to change the government?

Most of you reading this blog must be aware of the recent happenings in Mumbai. If you dont, i suggest you find out and then continue reading.
Each of us will have some memory of this incident, some of us may be moved by the loss of humanity, others may be appalled by the destruction to the Taj, still others maybe disturbed about the smell of fear in the air. For me it was all that and more.
We are the world's largest democracy, the most civilized form of government i would say. Conceptually the most sound. We choose our leaders, we choose our government. We give them the task of looking after us when we are busy looking after our families and making a living. So the events that took place on 26/11 can be termed as a failure of the system. But who failed? Did the govt not do its job in looking after us properly? Or did we make a blunder that we exchanged our safety for a couple of freebies thrown our way?
When a nation is run by a troupe of emasculated street actors I dont think we should expect much more. Emasculated because whatever they had when they were born dropped off when they entered into coalition politics and street actors because, well its obvious why. What kind of a human being denounces the family of a martyr comparing them with dogs? What kind of people try to gain political mileage from situation like these? Now it is, i realize very easy to point fingers at the politicians and blame them for the doings, but we must remember that it is we who put them up there. We gave them the flashing red lights on the cars. So are we idiots? Well to an extent yes. But i would prefer the term ' Common Sensually Challenged'. Because even after 50 years in the compost pit we still do not realize that in election the garbage disposal truck comes around to clean up the crap only to put it back on us later.
Now i am not aligned to any part in particular, i believe that every party has its share of nitwits and morons, but i do believe that if we make them realize that we are in control of this country and they are only the go-betweens then probably they will come around to there senses and attempt to do a better job of running the country. There are many ways of doing so. For the more hands on we can put the politicians over our laps and spank them till they pretty much resemble baboons. Most important to remember is that we cannot give in to the fear of backlash. They have the police at their command, the army at their command and all that but we must remember that these institutions are for our protection not for their pampering. I am not rallying people for a cause, I am not suggesting anything radical. I am only reminding people of the primary power in a democracy, a man's vote. If we spend even a day researching the candidates, filtering the empty promises from the true visions, however little they may be we can hope to bring about a change and more importantly signal that this country wants results and its going to get it. The hol-polloi are not going to lie around letting a bunch of half brain maniacs with automatic rifles take us hostage. I mean seriously, how clever is a guy who plans to stake out in a hotel and kills the chef, the guy he is going to depend on for his food? And how clever are the others who actually support him? For the country of raman, ramanujam etc. that is a shame on lots more than one count.
I hope for all those who have read through the whole thing, you think before u choose your next emasculated street actor.


  1. lol.. you cant entirely blame the "emasculated street actors" for this ..! the entire planning takes place in our neighbouring country ..! what can our politicians really do in this ??? ;)

  2. Hey Mish!
    Nice blogging out here guy!
    Really wanted to write something like this on the terror strike myself. Why dont u join this forum called "Ignited Minds of India" ?
    Its started by some friend of MSK. Ur views may be significant there minus the gossip/teaser on blondes,emasculine politicians etc...
    In any case it was fun reading!
